An indulgent international adventure of monarchical proportions…

Tag Archives: bicycles


So as you may have guessed, if you’re clever enough, this is the second instalment of my thrilling multi-part series about being awesome and riding a fixie, while at the same time being slightly terrified but looking shit hot while doing it…

Review this picture…

Did you just pee your pants a little over how most excellent this bike is? This is my bikes electro loving brother. Where this bike goes, heads turn, sub woofers thud, hot pants are worn and champagne and redbull (rampagne, you should try that shit) is on tap… anyway its a sweet deal.

Now review this picture…

This is what happens when you put brakes on a fixie. Suddenly you’re highly organised and sensible with your riding attire. You are able to carry large loads and tour around entire countries for weeks on end. Now to some that may sound like a dream, well to be honest it does sound alright and I have been thinking about doing something like that for a long time.

But that’s not the point. Fixies are meant to be fixies and they should look totally badass, and be  slightly dangerous even though they are verging on clichéd to ride them. Which sucks by the way, because they can be heaps of fun if there aren’t too many hills or automobiles around. So why would I want to put brakes on my heaps rad fixie and make it slightly safer, when I could save the money, the effort, the style, aesthetic and cool points and just stay brakeless? To which I say, maybe I will…